The way that you start your day is incredibly important and sets the tone for your entire day.
The difference between waking up, scrolling on your phone down the rabbit hole to who knows where in reactivity, and waking up as the creator of your life, is immense. Listening to this expertly guided meditation will have you centered, clear as a bell, feeling on top of the world and ready to have the best day ever.
This 22-minute audio recording is my next level creation. After studying energy, how it works, and what it truly means to be "high vibe", I created this powerful meditation that will have you smiling brightly, buzzing with energy, and ready to slay the day.
Are you feeling lost, stuck in a rut, and not sure what to do next? Do you know you need a big fat change in your life, you just don't know where to start? Are you craving more meaning and purpose in your life, but you don't know what to do about it? Are you ready to leave a job that is sucking the life out of you, but you need some clarity and a plan first?
I've created the perfect writing journey for you. You can do it in 7 days as intended, or sit down and do it all at once with this 46-page pdf.
Whatever way you do it, I guarantee that at the end of it, you will be more self-aware, clear on what's next for you, and ready to make some bold moves. Start your journey today!
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation that allows your subconscious mind to hear and absorb information, so that it can replace old limiting beliefs, and create new neural pathways. Truly powerful stuff!
I love skillfully crafting personalized meditations using hypnotic tools and language, to help my clients rewire their subconscious minds and support them in behavioral changes that they are trying to make.
This particular meditation is for anyone who has a shaky foundation of self-worth or self-love. If you've ever struggled with feeling unlovable or not enough, this 14-minute hypnosis audio recording is perfect for you.
My mother passed away 20 years ago. And long before she passed away, she was often unable to give me what I needed. So, I learned that we often have to give ourselves what we need, rather than wait for or expect someone else to give it to us.
I created this meditation for the wounded child in all of us. It's like a pep talk for your spirit and a big hug for your soul.
Whether words of affirmation are one of your love languages or not, this positive 10-minute audio recording is for you to listen to any day you need some uplifting words!
We spend so much time in our head that we sometimes forget the power of being fully in our body. Meditation is one of the best ways to connect us to our body, to align our energy center, and to gain access to our full guidance system; which includes our brain/third eye, our heart-brain, and our gut-brain.
This soothing 10-minute audio recording will help to reset your nervous system, clear your chakras, and remind you who you are at your core. It is useful for when you are stressed or plagued with self-doubt and will leave you feeling safe, grounded, and deeply at peace.
Do you wake up and immediately reach for your phone to scroll, reacting to whatever life throws at you, and just going with the flow in the morning? Giving yourself the time and space to connect with you first lets you harness the wisdom of your subconscious mind at waking, when you are closest to it, and to center and set yourself up for the best possible day ahead.
I am honored to share my morning-centering routine with you. I hope it serves you well. This simple daily practice will change your energy and set you off to a great start. (7-minute audio recording)